Where's The Bed?

Chad Maag • Jan 23, 2020
Where's The Bed?

A Murphy bed is a great space-saving solution for families of Akron, OH that utilize all their living space. When a dedicated guest room isn't a practical option, a custom wall bed is versatile and takes up limited space. For many, this type of small area sleeping solution wouldn’t even come to mind, and knowing where to start isn’t either. Enlisting the help of Hartville Custom Closet and Garage, who specialize in mounted wall beds, is the perfect place to begin.

Comfortably hosting overnight guests when you don't have a dedicated guest room space can take the joy out of having family and friends visit. Or perhaps you have a dedicated guest room that you’d like to transform into a home office, and you feel you have to choose one or the other. Whatever your space dilemma may be, wall-beds provide a functional and ascetically pleasing solution. You can incorporate a hideaway almost anywhere in your home, such as an office, living room, or den. A wall-mounted bed folds down from the wall and then back into the cabinet to save space.  They come in various sizes; twin, full, queen, or king depending on your need. The beds are a more comfortable option than a couch, air mattress, or lumpy sofa bed as the beds are never folded and offer the same comforts as home! 

Customizing this guest bed option can be seamless, utilizing the various design elements that integrate and disguise your bed into the existing décor. You fold-away bed can be in a stand-alone cabinet that can also include a built-in desk, bookshelves, or nightstand. Incorporate this nifty sleeping solution into your family room entertainment center where your guest can rest comfortably without the chaos of rearranging your entire room for them to do so.

In a multi-purpose room, a mounted wall bed is a superb option if having a comfortable place for your friends and family to sleep is important. Hartville Custom Closet and Garage will help you customize this hideaway behind beautiful cabinetry, never even knowing it’s there.


Hartville Custom Closets & Garage

Hartville, OH


(330) 278-0803


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